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Selectmen's Minutes - August 11, 1992
August 11, 1992 Present:        James Haggerty, Chairman
                                                Judith Murdoch
                                                Robert Crowley
                                                Robert Andrews - 7:50
                                                Joseph Frisoli

Chairman opened meeting and read letter from Superintendent Avery concerning the transfer of school funds to the Region's Cherry Sheet.  He announced that grievance from Highway Dept. would be at 8:30 when we enter exec. session.

Motion by Murdoch, 2nd Frisoli to appoint Ginny Sears to Nathaniel Mill Committee.  4-0 vote.

Mr. Haggerty reminded Board to sign the warrant for Sept. 15 primary and to sign license for JBL Bus Lines.

Chairman asked Board to discuss and accept minutes of May, June, July and August and accept the same.  Mr. Frisoli asked for amendment on May 26 minutes in which he asked Mr. Ellis name be struck and his name added as members present.  May 5, 12, 18, 19 and 26.  June 9, 16 and 23rd.  Or July 2nd, 14 and 28.  Mrs. Murdoch made a motion to accept minutes with amendment cited by Mr. Frisoli, Mr. Frisoli seconded.  4-0 vote.  Mrs. Murdoch also made a motion that the secretary hold the minutes at the office for review, 2nd Mr. Frisoli.  She stated that designated Clerk for the month should review and sign the minutes in the office.  As part of the discussion Mrs. Murdoch pointed out that she feels it is foolish to spend the time copying and sending out minutes for review when they are very accessible in the office for any member that is interested.  And at any point, the Board as a whole can bring them up in public session for discussion.  Mr. Haggerty said he felt each Board member should get a copy, but that was his personal feeling.  Voted 3-1 on the motion.

Motion by Frisoli, 2nd Murdoch to grant request of Senior Steppers for Annual Flea Market on Town Hall Grounds, Sept. 12.  5-0.

Mr. Andrews arrived.
Mr. Haggerty asked that the Board accept a motion to open the warrant and to close the warrant on 9/29/92 for the Special Town Meeting in October.  Motion by Andrews, 2nd by Murdoch.  5-0 vote.

Lois Wildes met with the Board.  Ms. Wildes and her daughter made a brief presentation to the Board concerning their interest and project recording the burial sites at Fernhill Cemetery.  Ms. Wildes daughter requested permission from the Board to either copy or be allowed to take one or both of the historical recording books in order to put together a brochure or some type of pamphlet on her computer.  The Chairman made a point that the books are in good condition and he expressed his concerns with laying them flat on the copy machine.  Ms. Wildes and her daughter both stated that they had many years of professional secretarial skills and would take great care in handling the books.  Mr. Frisoli made a copy of one of the pages in the book on the copy machine with the cover open and without pressing the book down.  It appeared that the copy was satisfactory for their needs.  With that Mrs. Murdoch made a motion that Ms. Wildes and or her daughter be allowed to copy one or both books in the Town Hall at a date to be specified and discussed with the Exec. Sec.  2nd Andrews.  5-0 vote.  

Mr. Haggerty asked for a report from sub-committee on Snow St.  Mr. Frisoli reported that in reviewing the bounds established by surveyor Bernie Munroe on the Northerly side of Snow Street there was a house in the layout of the road.  They also had a problem with Mr. Andrews bound being placed a few inches within the roadway.  There are logs and sawdust piled on Town property and that Mr. Andrews has not as of yet presented them with his layout  which he claims is correct outlining his bounds.  Mr. Crowley and Mr. Frisoli recommended to the Board that they negotiate with the abutters to make a small land swap which would do several things to improve the safety regarding entering onto Snow St.  It would resolve the problem of the house being in the layout, it would swing Snow St. so that it would meet Monponsett at a perpendicular angle and it would maintain the 40 ft. right of way for access on behalf of the Town.  The Chairman agreed and asked if the subcommittee would continue and establish a meeting with Mr. Andrews to discuss the options.  The Chair also asked a letter be sent to Mr. Dias regarding the progress.  

The Board reviewed the goals and objectives of the Exec. Secretary.  Mr. Frisoli asked that we add #12 which would be that periodically on a three month basis the Exec. Sec. would review his goals and objectives with the Board and also would include any other issues or items he has been involved in which could possibly effect the progress of obtaining his goals and objectives or issues which might be added as goals or objectives.  Mr. Haggerty read through each one of the goals and objectives in an effort to assist Mr. Andrews who had asked that the Board have some time to review two weeks ago.  Mr. Andrews asked for clarification on several fo the goals concerning the role of the Exec. Sec. and concerning the role of various elected boards.  Mrs. Murdoch moved to accept the Exec. Sec. goals and Objectives with the amendment, #12, suggested by Mr. Frisoli.  Mr. Frisoli 2nd's.  5-0 vote.

Board discussed their own goals and objectives for the oncoming year.  Mr. Frisoli stated two Selectmen's goals and objectives.  1.  Work closely with the Exec. Sec. and Town Accountant to continue input in the budget tracking system in an effort to provide the Board of Selectmen and the Finance Committee continued information regarding those key budgets.  2.  To work closely with the Exec. Sec. and Town Accountant to establish a central purchasing system in an effort to save money and provide cost effective purchasing for Town departments.  

Mr. Crowley added three goals and objectives, 1.  To continue to encourage all Town employees, both appointed and elected to continue to reach out and serve the citizens of Hanson in a professional and friendly manner.  2.  To conduct a joint meeting with the Finance Committee, Board of Health and Selectmen in an attempt to reduce or eliminate the fees for the transfer station.  3.  To establish a study committee through the implementation of a bylaw which would review and implement the Disabilities Act within the Town of Hanson so that all citizens are able to participate in government.  

Mrs. Murdoch  asked that the Board establish a system to keep a communication line open to the Regional School Committee.  The Chairman agreed and stated that he would like to set up a meeting every three months with the Superintendent of Schools and the Chairman of the School Committee to update the Board of Selectmen concerning educational issues.  Mrs. Murdoch asked that the Board emphasize to all departments regardless of size that they continue to track their own budgets and should any problems occur to let the Board of Selectmen know immediately as well as the Finance Committee.  

Mr. Haggerty alluded to four goals.  1.  Strive for employees independence  2.  To work to have utilities back under separate lines for each department.  3.  That the Board of Selectmen continue to provide as much support as possible and commitment to the DARE program.  4.  To continue to seek ways to improve management and combine services where it would benefit the Town, such as ongoing discussions with Fire Department, communication issues, etc.

Chairman asked for a motion to enter exec. session under #3, grievance, to address Charles George Trucking, litigation, and #6, for the sale of Town Land.  However prior to that he addressed action requests.  Chairman announced there would be a report from the Chair of the Communications sub-committee and most likely an article at the October Town Meeting.  He also addressed in previous meeting discussion re tree on island and after speaking with Phil Huntley and several other people, the Chairman felt that the costs associated with moving the tree would be too prohibitive, but it was recommended that the Town set aside some funds and contact the tree warden in an effort to do some plantings along Rte. 58 when the Highway is completed.  He asked that the Exec. Sec. put together the goals in a format similar to last year and present them to the Board at the next meeting for review.  

Mrs. Murdoch moved to enter exec. session under #'s 3 and 6 as outlined by the Chairman, 2nd by Frisoli.  Roll Call vote, unanimous.

Mrs. Murdoch moved to adjourn, 2nd Andrews, 5-0 vote.  10:45 p.m.
